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Cross Section Properties Calculator Software

This page lists the cross section properties calculated by ShapeDesigner SaaS software. These calculated section properties are grouped by categories in the tables below.

General Section Properties

Section Property Description
Area Total area
Transf.Area Transformed composite area
Mass/L Total mass per unit length
Xc, Yc Centroid X and Y position
NA(Deg) Elastic neutral axis angle
PNA(x,y) Plastic neutral axis position
Bx, By X and Y stability constants

Torsion and Warping Section Properties

Section Property Description
J(Torsion) Torsion constant
Cw(Warping) Warping constant
Xs, Ys X and Y position of shear center
Kx, Ky Shear section constant about X and Y axes
Ax, Ay Shear reduced areas about X and Y axes
Ios Moment of inertia about shear center
ros Radius of gyration about shear center
Swx, Swy Sectorial product of area with respect to X and Y axes
Dsc Distance between shear center and centroid
B torsional-flexural constant Torsional-flexural constant

Composite section Properties

Section Property Description
Material name Elastic modulus of the reference material
Xcc, Ycc X and Y centroid position in transformed composite section

Stress Section Properties

Section Property Description
Sig-yield T Tensile stress yield
Sig-yield C Compressive stress yield
Tau yield Shear stress yield tau
Sig-x max T Maximum tensile stress
Sig-x max C Maximum compressive stress
Fpt Maximum tensile force related to plastic stress block
Fpc Maximum compressive force related to plastic stress block
Np Column Capacity Axial capacity for column

Loads Properties

Section Property Description
Moment Mx, My Applied moment about X and Y axes
Axial N Applied axial load
Torque Tz Applied torque load
Bimoment Bw Applied bi-moment load
Shear Vx, Vy Applied shear load in Y and Y direction

X-Y Axes Section Properties

Section Property Description
Ix, Iy Moment of inertia about X and Y axes
Ixy Product of inertia about X-Y axes origin
Io Polar moment of inertia about origin
rx, ry Radius of gyration about X and Y axes
ro Radius of gyration about X-Y axes origin

Centroidal Axes Section Properties

Section Property Description
Ix, Iy Moment of inertia about X and Y centroid axes
Ixy Product of inertia about X-Y centroid axes origin
Io Polar moment of inertia about centroid origin
rx, ry Radius of gyration about X and Y centroid axes
ro Radius of gyration about X-Y axes centroid origin
Ytop Extreme top fiber from X centroidal axis
Ybot Extreme bottom fiber from X centroidal axis
Sx top Elastic section modulus about X centroidal axis related to the top fiber
Sx bot Elastic section modulus about X centroidal axis related to the bottom fiber
Sy right Elastic section modulus about Y centroidal axis related to the right fiber
Sy left Elastic section modulus about Y centroidal axis related to the left fiber
Zpx, Zpy Plastic section modulus about X and Y centroidal axes
Max Mx, Max My Maximum elastic moment about X and Y centroidal axes
Mpx, Mpy Fully plastic moment about X and Y centroidal axes
SFx, SFy Shape factor about X and Y centroidal axes

Principal Axes Section Properties

Section Property Description
Ix, Iy Moment of inertia about X and Y principal axes
Ixy Product of inertia about X-Y principal axes origin
Io Polar moment of inertia about principal origin
rx, ry Radius of gyration about X and Y principal axes
ro Radius of gyration about X-Y axes principal origin
Ytop Extreme top fiber from X principal axis
Ybot Extreme bottom fiber from X principal axis
Sx top Elastic section modulus about X principal axis related to the top fiber
Sx bot Elastic section modulus about X principal axis related to the bottom fiber
Xright Extreme right fiber from y principal axis
Xleft Extreme left fiber from y principal axis
Sy right Elastic section modulus about Y principal axis related to the right fiber
Sy left Elastic section modulus about Y principal axis related to the left fiber
Zpx, Zpy Plastic section modulus about X and Y principal axes
Max Mx, Max My Maximum elastic moment about X and Y principal axes
Mpx, Mpy Fully plastic moment about X and Y principal axes
SFx, SFy Shape factor about X and Y principal axes
Imax Maximum magnitudes of principal moment of inertia
Imin Minimum magnitudes of principal moment of inertia
Theta (Deg) Angle of orientation between the principal x-axis and x-axis

Elastic Neutral Axis Section Properties

Section Property Description
In Moment of inertia about neutral axis
ENA Angle Angle of orientation of the neutral axis from X axis
Ytop Extreme top fiber from X neutral axis
Ybot Extreme bottom fiber from X neutral axis
Sx top Elastic section modulus about X neutral axis related to the top fiber
Sx bot Elastic section modulus about X neutral axis related to the bottom fiber
Xright Extreme right fiber from y neutral axis
Xleft Extreme left fiber from y neutral axis
Sy right Elastic section modulus about Y neutral axis related to the right fiber
Sy left Elastic section modulus about Y neutral axis related to the left fiber
Zpx, Zpy Plastic section modulus about X and Y neutral axes
Max Mx, Max My Maximum elastic moment about X and Y neutral axes
Mpx, Mpy Fully plastic moment about X and Y neutral axes
SFx, SFy Shape factor about X and Y neutral axes
Imax Maximum magnitudes of neutral moment of inertia
Tsx max Maximum shear stress Txs due to shear load Vx
Tsy max Maximum shear stress Tys due to shear load Vy

Maximum stresses

  • sx: Axial stress
  • sw: Axial warping stress
  • tsx, tsy: Shear stress in x and y directions
  • txz, tyz: Torsional shear stress in x and y directions

Minimum stresses

  • sx: Axial stress
  • sw: Axial warping stress
  • tsx, tsy: Shear stress in x and y directions
  • txz, tyz: Torsional shear stress in x and y directions

Stresses at custom position

  • sx: Axial stress
  • sw: Axial warping stress
  • tsx, tsy: Shear stress in x and y directions
  • txz, tyz: Torsional shear stress in x and y directions
  • qx, qy: Flow stress in x and y directions
  • sI: sII ; sIII: Principal stresses

Failure criteria for yield strength

  • Maximum normal stress criterion
  • Tresca criterion
  • Von Mises-Hencky criterion
  • Saint-Venant criterion
  • Maximum strain energy criterion

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Real Time Section Property Display

ShapeDesigner displays all geometric section properties in real time in the CAD at design time. This means, for example, that you can move a point and see how the section properties such as area or inertia evolve as the movement is occurring.

Real Torsion and Warping Constants

Contrary to most software available, ShapeDesigner makes no assumptions or restrictions on the calculation of shear and torsion section properties. ShapeDesigner uses an advanced and efficient finite element approach to calculate these constants. The complexity of the finite element approach is hidden from the user. There is no general method for computing shear and torsion section properties without using this finite element approach.

Naming convention for various angles and axes

Download ShapeDesigner SaaS

To download ShapeDesigner, simply create and account and use the download link from your account. Download ShapeDesigner SaaS.

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