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ShapeDesigner SaaS
ShapeDesigner user guide
ShapeDesigner brochure 1
ShapeDesigner brochure 2
Generates professional output report
Isocolor representation of the stresses
Improved automatic 2D mesh generator
Integrated DXF (Autocad) import/export and editing tool
Multi-project script
New integrated tool for build-up beam connector calculations
Optimization for complex sections
Transformed composite section with stress distributions
New and efficient design verification solver
elastic-plastic bending analysis
ShapeDesigner material properties library
MohrCircle tool
Library of commonly used standard (AISC, CISC and BS (British Steel)) and parametric sections
Multi-criterion optimization of standard sections
ShapeDesigner properties
Total area
Transformed composite area
Total mass per unit length
Centroid X and Y position
Elastic neutral axis angle
Plastic neutral axis position
X and Y stability constants
Torsion constant
Warping constant
X and Y position of shear center
Shear section constant about X and Y axes
Shear reduced areas about X and Y axes
Moment of inertia about shear center
Radius of gyration about shear center
Sectorial product of area with respect to X and Y axes
Distance between shear center and centroid
Torsional-flexural constant
Elastic modulus of the reference material
X and Y centroid position in transformed composite section
Tensile stress yield
Compressive stress yield
Shear stress yield tau
Maximum tensile stress
Maximum compressive stress
Maximum tensile force related to plastic stress block
Maximum compressive force related to plastic stress block
Axial capacity for column
Applied moment about X and Y axes
Applied axial load
Applied torque load
Applied bi-moment load
Applied shear load in Y and Y direction
Moment of inertia about X and Y axes
Product of inertia about X-Y axes origin
Polar moment of inertia about origin
Radius of gyration about X and Y axes
Radius of gyration about X-Y axes origin
Moment of inertia about X and Y centroid axes
Product of inertia about X-Y centroid axes origin
Polar moment of inertia about centroid origin
Radius of gyration about X and Y centroid axes
Radius of gyration about X-Y axes centroid origin
Extreme top fiber from X centroidal axis
Extreme bottom fiber from X centroidal axis
Elastic section modulus about X centroidal axis related to the top fiber
Elastic section modulus about X centroidal axis related to the bottom fiber
Elastic section modulus about Y centroidal axis related to the right fiber
Elastic section modulus about Y centroidal axis related to the left fiber
Plastic section modulus about X and Y centroidal axes
Maximum elastic moment about X and Y centroidal axes
Fully plastic moment about X and Y centroidal axes
Shape factor about X and Y centroidal axes
Moment of inertia about X and Y principal axes
Product of inertia about X-Y principal axes origin
Polar moment of inertia about principal origin
Radius of gyration about X and Y principal axes
Radius of gyration about X-Y axes principal origin
Extreme top fiber from X principal axis
Extreme bottom fiber from X principal axis
Elastic section modulus about X principal axis related to the top fiber
Elastic section modulus about X principal axis related to the bottom fiber
Extreme right fiber from y principal axis
Extreme left fiber from y principal axis
Elastic section modulus about Y principal axis related to the right fiber
Elastic section modulus about Y principal axis related to the left fiber
Plastic section modulus about X and Y principal axes
Maximum elastic moment about X and Y principal axes
Fully plastic moment about X and Y principal axes
Shape factor about X and Y principal axes
Maximum magnitudes of principal moment of inertia
Minimum magnitudes of principal moment of inertia
Angle of orientation between the principal x-axis and x-axis
Moment of inertia about neutral axis
Angle of orientation of the neutral axis from X axis
Extreme top fiber from X neutral axis
Extreme bottom fiber from X neutral axis
Elastic section modulus about X neutral axis related to the top fiber
Elastic section modulus about X neutral axis related to the bottom fiber
Extreme right fiber from y neutral axis
Extreme left fiber from y neutral axis
Elastic section modulus about Y neutral axis related to the right fiber
Elastic section modulus about Y neutral axis related to the left fiber
Plastic section modulus about X and Y neutral axes
Maximum elastic moment about X and Y neutral axes
Fully plastic moment about X and Y neutral axes
Shape factor about X and Y neutral axes
Maximum magnitudes of neutral moment of inertia
Maximum shear stress Txs due to shear load Vx
Maximum shear stress Tys due to shear load Vy
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